I have tried to make a collection of skating pages that I have liked a lot. If you don't know some of them, please visit, you are bound to like them.
The most informative places on the net:
- Figure Skating World Absolutely THE place to be. Find all the newest results, gossip, information.
- Skate Web The most informative skating page on Internet. Links to almost everywhere plus latest news in figure skating.
- Skatabase The most complete results archive on the Internet.
Other informative places:
- Blades On Ice. A skating magazine that has interesting stories and is updated often enough.
- Yahoo skating page. Has all the latest news and often cute photos of current events.
Pages from/of the people I know:
- Andrew Naylor. Former British pairs champion, now a coach in Lake Placid, USA. I met Andrew while training in Lake Placid in 1998. He is just great!
- Eda Tseinyev's home page. I met Eda during 1999 Worlds in Helsinki. She is one of the best photographers out there and a big fan of Sasha Abt. But her page features a lot of interesting things.
- Gheorghe Chiper home page. Gheorghe is Romanian Champion 2000. I met him at Tallinn Cup 1999. He finished almost last because of an injury but was a nice and friendly guy.
- Shepherd Clark page. Shep breezed into my life after a show in Lake Placid where he managed to capture the last piece of cake right after I had gotten the pre-last piece. He is incredibly friendly and talkative.
- Timothy Goebel's page. I met Timmy at Worlds in Helsinki but this page is also made by 2 people I know - Adelia and Jill. Job well done.
- Ilia Kulik's official fanclub page. I guess I can call myself Ilia's aquintance and there are a lot of people I know in his fanclub.
- Laurent Tobel. Even though I haven't really met Laurent, I have spoken to him. He is one of my most favourite skaters. Too bad he turned professional now. This page is not updated often but it's one of the few there are for Laurent.
- Andrejs Vlascenko. We spoke for hours at Worlds and I found him to be very interesting. He is probably among my 3 favourite male skaters.
- Alexei Yagudin. He's the third one of my favourites (not in that specific order). I haven't really met Alexei in person (if we won't count the 5 seconds at Worlds) but this page was made by my friend Jill, so here you go.
- Ice Dancing page. This page was made by Daphne and Emma. Daphne is one of my best online friends and Emma I met at Worlds.
- Anissing and Peizerat official page. I keep in contact with Gwendal, so he has the right to be here. He has a great sense of humour and he is very intelligent, so a wonderful person to talk to.
- Bourne and Kraatz. Obviously I met Viktor and Shae-Lynn in Lake Placid. Both were awfully nice people, you just have to love them.